Candidate Questionnaire: Angie Haus

Angie Haus
As a service to the Hastings community, and to ensure local voters are fully informed about their choices in this year’s City Council campaign, the Hastings Progressives group sent all seven of the candidates for the two Hastings City Council At-Large seats a questionnaire. We informed each candidate that their responses would be published as received on our website and our Facebook page. Hastings Progressives will NOT be endorsing candidates for the August 9 primary, but may make endorsement(s) for the November general election. Questions or comments? Please email us at: [email protected].
What are your priorities if elected?
Economic growth and development. Local businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our community and I will help them thrive in the Vermillion St. Corridor, downtown, and everywhere. Growing and maintaining our local development is what keeps Hastings prospering.
Inclusion. I will work hard to ensure Hastings offers resources, programs, and activities that welcome all residents. I want everyone who works, resides, or visits Hastings to be welcomed and heard.
Tourism. I will work with colleagues and city staff to encourage tourism in Hastings by bolstering our city’s parks and recreation system. This will also help our economic growth and development.
Transportation. Everyone should have the chance to discover the beauty our town has by local transit. I want to reestablish and improve our local transit system so our residents have safe, accessible travel options to our local shops, restaurants, trails, and homes.
Public Safety. Everyone should feel safe and secure in Hastings. Our police, fire, and emergency rescue staff deserve support and transparency.
Staff retention. Hastings has so many great city staff members. Everybody knows it’s hard to keep good staff nowadays, so one of my priorities will be talking to our current staff to make sure their needs are being met.
Fiscal Responsibility. Everything we do within our city has to happen within our budget. We have to make sure we give our taxpayers the best deal.
Why are you running for Hastings City Council?
I have volunteered extensively throughout my life, and being on city council is an extension of my desire to help others. I truly believe that local government is the foundation to have a strong community. I want everyone to feel as blessed as I have been to be a part of Hastings. I have the energy and heart to serve our community in public service.
What is the best thing about Hastings?
Our community is so giving and generous. We have a great Rotary Club that helped put together our amazing pavilion in downtown, Chamber of Commerce which puts on Rivertown days, Hastings Family Service which helps provide our community with food and events like Gobble Gait, and so many more. Each of these organizations is led and staffed by wonderful citizens who care greatly about our town and its residents. I am so proud to live in a town that is full of so many compassionate people.
What do you want to see be fixed in Hastings?
As I said above I believe there is more yet to do with our economic development, transportation, and inclusivity. These are all problems that we can solve together as a community.
Do you support connecting Hastings to Metro Transit or the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority in order to increase transportation opportunities for residents? If not, how would you improve transportation to and from Hastings?
Yes! Hastings is in desperate need of a sustainable, reliable, and affordable transportation system. I know many residents who struggle to find transportation to and from work, appointments, errands, and so much more. I know that Hastings city staff and partners have discussed many options in the past and I hope to contribute positively to those conversations to ensure accessible, reliable transportation for all.
What would you do to ensure residents have clean drinking water?
Continuing the city staff’s hard work at making sure our water treatment facilities have proper care, testing, and monitoring. I believe the city previously addressed the water contamination issue with transparency and grace.
Hastings has an issue with unsheltered people living in our community. What should the city do to help these individuals?
The growing issue of homeless people living in Hastings is a systemic issue that needs to be analyzed as to why this is happening. The lack of affordable, safe housing has been an ongoing issue in Hastings that needs to be addressed head-on. I believe in partnering with surrounding local communities, public safety, and nonprofits to figure out a solution that fits the needs of Hastings.
Do you feel Hastings is a welcoming community? Why or why not?
I think that there is a great deal of work that still needs to be done in inclusivity throughout Hastings. Strides have been made through many community groups like IDEA and Thrive, of which I am a board member. Inclusivity is something our small town still struggles with but I am optimistic for our future. The city has taken great steps so far within furthering inclusivity but there can always be an improvement. I want everyone who works, lives, and visits Hastings to be accepted, welcomed, and heard.
Do you support the formation of an Arts Commission?
Yes! Art contributes so much to Hastings. They factor into our tourism, economic development, and beautification. Hastings has already had many projects that have required coordinated city staff and citizen input. Hastings is very fortunate to be a town of renowned artists that deserve a way to showcase their beautiful artwork. Developing an Arts Commission is long overdue, and a cost-effective way for the city to engage better with its residents and the art community.